ar X iv : m at h / 05 01 07 7 v 2 [ m at h . D S ] 7 J an 2 00 5 ITERATED FUNCTION SYSTEMS , RUELLE OPERATORS , AND INVARIANT PROJECTIVE MEASURES
We introduce a Fourier based harmonic analysis for a class of discrete dynamical systems which arise from Iterated Function Systems. Our starting point is the following pair of special features of these systems. (1) We assume that a measurable space X comes with a finite-to-one endomorphism r : X → X which is onto but not one-to-one. (2) In the case of affine Iterated Function Systems (IFSs) in R d , this harmonic analysis arises naturally as a spectral duality defined from a given pair of finite subsets B, L in R d of the same cardinality which generate complex Hadamard matrices. Our harmonic analysis for these iterated function systems (IFS) (X, µ) is based on a Markov process on certain paths. The probabilities are determined by a weight function W on X. From W we define a transition operator R W acting on functions on X, and a corresponding class H of continuous R W-harmonic functions. The properties of the functions in H are analyzed, and they determine the spectral theory of L 2 (µ). For affine IFSs we establish orthogonal bases in L 2 (µ). These bases are generated by paths with infinite repetition of finite words. We use this in the last section to analyze tiles in R d .
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : m at h / 05 01 07 7 v 1 [ m at h . D S ] 6 J an 2 00 5 ITERATED FUNCTION SYSTEMS , RUELLE OPERATORS , AND INVARIANT PROJECTIVE MEASURES
We introduce a Fourier based harmonic analysis for a class of discrete dynamical systems which arise from Iterated Function Systems. Our starting point is the following pair of special features of these systems. (1) We assume that a measurable space X comes with a finite-to-one endomorphism r : X → X which is onto but not one-to-one. (2) In the case of affine Iterated Function Systems (IFSs) in...
متن کاملar X iv : m at h / 04 07 51 7 v 2 [ m at h . C A ] 3 0 Ju l 2 00 4 OPERATORS , MARTINGALES , AND MEASURES ON PROJECTIVE LIMIT SPACES
Let X be a compact Hausdorff space. We study finite-to-one map-pings r : X → X, onto X, and measures on the corresponding projective limit space X∞(r). We show that the invariant measures on X∞(r) correspond in a one-to-one fashion to measures on X which satisfy two identities. Moreover, we identify those special measures on X∞(r) which are associated via our correspondence with a function V on...
متن کاملar X iv : m at h / 04 07 51 7 v 1 [ m at h . C A ] 2 9 Ju l 2 00 4 OPERATORS , MARTINGALES , AND MEASURES ON PROJECTIVE LIMIT SPACES
Let X be a compact Hausdorff space. We study finite-to-one map-pings r : X → X, onto X, and measures on the corresponding projective limit space X∞(r). We show that the invariant measures on X∞(r) correspond in a one-to-one fashion to measures on X which satisfy two identities. Moreover, we identify those special measures on X∞(r) which are associated via our correspondence with a function V on...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 01 01 05 9 v 2 1 4 M ay 2 00 1
We consider the complex scalar field coupled to background NC U(1) YM and calculate the correlator of two gauge invariant composite operators. We show how the noncommutative gauge invariance is restored for higher correlators (though the Green's function itself is not invariant). It is interesting that the recently discovered noncommutative solitons appear in the calculation.
متن کاملar X iv : 0 71 0 . 14 25 v 1 [ m at h . D G ] 7 O ct 2 00 7 Classification of 1 st order symplectic spinor operators over contact projective geometries
We give a classification of 1 st order invariant differential operators acting between sections of certain bundles associated to Cartan geometries of the so called metaplectic contact projective type. These bundles are associated via representations , which are derived from the so called higher symplectic, harmonic or generalized Kostant spinor modules. Higher symplectic spinor modules are aris...
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